5 X 7 flyers that would be given out at the register or other local supporting business's

(Left) one of the American made glass company's we carried was TNT glass. working along side the one of the owners of TNT glass, he asked me to "featuring" & "EST. 1995" to the already designed logo. (Right) was originally going to be the business card for Best of Times, but ended up being a sign they hung in the store.

During my employment, the owner and boss wanted me to make an "older" version of Maharaja from the original logo (seen on the flyers above) as a promotion celebrating our 40th year in business (left). (Right) during this time, he also debated changed the name to Temple of Rock (or TOR, for short).

In trying to further promote the business, I made three different snap filters for the store that tried to harness the uniqueness of the store.